An Introduction
So I think this will be a space for a collection of thoughts and questions on the performance-making process and also a celebration of the artists I make work with AND get inspiration from. A much humbler version of brainpickings by the incredible Maria S. (link) I’ve been trying to find ways to show up, meaning 1) hold myself accountable and 2) allow my work --and quite honestly myself-- to be seen in all that gory glory of human imperfection, for those who want to look. I’ll keep coming back to that… this obsession with control --how it serves and how it hinders.
I studied, as maybe some of you reading this know, at Dell’Arte International, whose methodology is the training of the Actor-Creator, or the “Actor-Poet.” This is also often referred to as Devising among theatre-makers. I love this way of working (truly, I do), but it can also be schizophrenic AF. Because when you just have two minds (The Actor and the Poet), it's always a stalemate when things aren’t working smoothly. There’s no tie-breaker on what’s right or wrong. “Is the obstacle an acting problem or a writing problem? Where do we go next? Who’s in charge?” So there’s gotta be a third somewhere in the mix. I don’t know what to call her yet, but she’s a peacemaker, keeps a process moving or calls for a break when the air needs some clearing. She’s got a vision beyond the process, reads the paper every morning, and can bring in the unexpected puzzle piece to take the play to the next level. She probably wears big, hipster glasses and rolls her eyes a lot, but everyone listens to her cuz she doesn’t waste words.
My goal for this blog is that it shouldn’t be about me. But also there will inevitably be a lot of me in it. Just like any performing or playwriting process. You can put on a mask, but the mask reveals.* My other goal is honesty. Because I think the world is lacking in that, so in my little corner of the internet (not my phrase but I’ve always loved it), I’m sticking to it. It might change. Since every day is different. But I’ll do my best. And if you’re reading this, thank you. I’m glad you’re here.
*More post on Mask to come.